–  Makine Dinamiği by Prof. Dr. Sadettin Kapucu and Dr. Öğr. Üyesi M. Erkan Kütük is published.

– 10th International Summer School on Screw-Theory Based Methods in Robotics (Summer Screws 2024) will be organized in September 7-14, 2024 at Izmir Institute of Technology.

– 8th International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms (HMM 2024) will be organized in April 18-20, 2024 at Ankara University.

 Prof. Dr. Eres Söylemez has been awarded the “IFTOMM Dedicated Services Award” during the IFToMM World Congress on November 8, 2023. Click here for the award ceremony photo.

 Kinematic Synthesis of Mechanisms Using Excel® and Geogebra by Prof. Dr. Eres Söylemez is published. Supplementary materials of the book are available here.

Other Announcements

– Mekanik Makina Dinamiği by Prof. Dr. İbrahim Uzmay is published.

– 21st National Theory of Machines Symposium (UMTS 2023) will be held on September 13-15, 2023 and organized by Trakya University.

– Klasik ve Modern Kontrol Sistemi Tasarımı by Prof. Dr. Yücel Ercan is published.

– Üç Boyutlu Kinematik ve Uzaysal Mekanizmalar by Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Özgören is published.

– UMTS 2021 presentation videos are available at Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Youtube channel.

– Parametre Tahrikli Titreşimler by Prof. Dr. Metin Gürgöze is published.

– Kinematics of General Spatial Mechanical Systems by Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Özgören is published.

– Click here to visit the official website of International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM) community. IFToMM events are listed here.

– Click here for events organized by the support of Turkish Machine Theory Association.

KS 2024 – Mekanizmaların Analitik Sentezi Çalıştayı

Fırat University, Elazığ


Prof. Dr. Eres Söylemez

Prof. Dr. Orhan Çakar

Prof. Dr. Gökhan Kiper

Workshop photo

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